Ben Workman

Helping God's People Love Jesus and Love His People

God Shows Himself to an Obstinate People

Wisdom calls out in the street; she makes her voice heard in the public square. She cries out above the commotion; she speaks at the entrance of the city gate. – Proverbs 1:20-21

               These verses have two effects on me as I meditate on them. First, this brings hope to my heart because God is actively pursuing His creation. Even in our sin God does not abandon the world. Can you imagine how both Adam and Eve felt when they were caught in their sin? God did not abandon them to the wilderness. First, He clothed them when He didn’t have to. Secondly, He kept them away from the Tree of Life. He will not let them stay in their depravity forever. Finally, He never stopped talking to them. We have an example of God speaking to Cain about his jealousy for Abel’s offering. This took place long after Adam and Eve’s sin. Believe it or not those are acts of love towards sinners. 

Wisdom is not sitting idly bye. Instead, wisdom is on a mission to get as many people as she possibly can to listen to her. As Bruce Waltke says she is not giving some academic speech instead she is giving a passionate plea for people to listen to her. This is an accurate picture of how God operates in our world today. His desire is for the people of the world to know Him. Yet it is within our nature to ignore or reject Him.

This leads to my second feeling from this text: responsible. God is doing His part in reaching out to me. His presence comes to me through reading His word, attending His church, and looking at His creation. Importantly, He grabs our attention amid our suffering and trials. He is constantly drawing attention to Himself in many matters of life. I am without excuse in how I respond to His constant messaging. If I am not paying attention to God’s calling, what am I paying attention to?

               Try to imagine the picture given in the text. A woman is trying to get her voice heard in the busy street. Everybody is walking around discussing business, news, or even rumors they have heard. They hear someone trying to get their attention, but they choose to ignore it. Afterall, they’re trying to conduct business that could be life changing. Perhaps they view her speech as something they should consider later in their life, but not at this moment. Do we not fill our lives with business and mundane things daily? God sees the whole picture and is warning us about what is ahead. But we can’t seem to look past anything beyond what’s in front of us.

               Here is my plea to you. Don’t put religious activities into a routine. Every time we go to church our Lord speaks through His word. His speech demands a response just as woman wisdom is pleading with the people in the city. Hearing the information is not enough. We are called to respond how God wants. Go to Sunday School and the service with the intention of wanting to change. We have become passive people in our churches. We expect the church service to be akin to a movie experience.

               Lastly, I want to encourage you to pray with a submissive attitude. True prayer is someone who understands their relationship with Jesus. Genuine prayer is a response to God and His love, mercy, and holiness. Prayer indicates that we have heard His message. May all of us respond in a way that He deems appropriate. A day will come when He quits giving people an opportunity to hear Him.

One response to “God Shows Himself to an Obstinate People”

  1. Enjoyed the read. This made me think of Rom 10:21


    God pursues, but we continue to fall short. Thankful for the Love and Faithfulness of God.


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About Me

I am a rural church pastor in Oklahoma helping people become obsessed with Jesus and to love their local church.
